Turmeric and B3 Serum

Turmeric and Niacinamide Serum

Life is about finding balance. There is a season to take the time to dig deep and attend to resurfacing and refinishing. It is equally important to take time to restore, repair and nourish your skin. Summer is the perfect season for this and our new Turmeric and Niacinamide Serum is the perfect product; full of plant rich anti-inflammatory goodness, it is ideal for calming, reducing red tones, improving resilience and feeding skin the nutrients it needs to repair damage.

Refinish vs. Repair

Turmeric and Niacinamide Serum is a restorative and repairing serum. The potent ingredients included in the serum have been shown to help address skincare issues like rosacea, reactive skin, and acne as well as support skin resilience and strength. Resurfacing or refinishing option like Retinol Serum or Glycolic Skin Brightening pads or any products containing retinol, glycolic, or AHAs are designed to remove older layers of skin to reveal fresh, younger layers and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, sun and age spots. Restoring and repairing serums, on the other hand, are designed to improve cellular resilience, reduce free radical damage and support the skin in repairing and hydrating itself. This also helps to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, skin elasticity, sun and age spots and luminosity, now and in the long term but using different mechanisms. Pairing these two types of serums together can achieve greater results than using one alone and ensures you are addressing skin health from all directions.

Why does my skin need turmeric?

Turmeric is an amazing anti-inflammatory. It has been shown to reduce inflammatory skin conditions while reducing redness, including rosacea. Anti-inflammatory ingredients can help with a multitude of skincare issue. First off, they calm your skin. If your skin is reactive, that's an inflammation issue. If your skin is acne prone, that's an inflammation issue. If your skin is flushing and you struggle with redness, that's an inflammation issue. Do you see the trend here? The aging of your skin cells is also an inflammation issue. When you have inflammation in the cells, it essentially creates cellular breakdown and leads to free radical damage. Turmeric supports cell nutrition and supports cellular health.

Niacinamide is spelled S-T-R-O-N-G

While it keeps a low profile in the pantheon of anti-aging superstars, niacinamide (Vitamin B3) is known for its construction skills in building stronger skin cells. Studies of the benefits of niacinamide creams also suggest that this chemical compound may increase the effectiveness of sunscreen and in protecting cells against free radicals. We all want to keep our cells plump and vivacious. The best way to keep that youthful glow is to prevent skin cells from dying as quickly. Niacinamide provides nutrients to the skin cells that help them to repair themselves. It gives them the opportunity rebuild and strengthen. There is good research behind niacinamide being incredibly effective at helping build stronger skin cells as well as being relentlessly protective.

The Good Tingle

A retinol and/or glycolic triggers new cellular growth, but when you have that new cellular growth you want to support them by building really strong healthy cells. This is the key to making a noticeable difference over time. So you may get a little activity in the Turmeric and Niacinamide Serum. We call it a calming and restorative serum, but you will probably feel it working in a subtle way. Some people will get a little tingle as the cells are activated. That's not a bad thing.

How do I add Turmeric and Niacinamide Serum into my skin care routine?

With a ingredients that boasts benefits like calming, anti-inflammatory, reducing facial hair growth in women, reducing redness, and balancing oily skin, it makes sense to add this serum to the mix. We suggest daily use as well as nightly as the 2nd or 3rd layer of your skincare routine. PRO TIP: In the summer, this serum is thick enough for you to use it in place of a moisturizer. If you have humidity in your area in the winter you may layer, a moisturizer over it.

Day to Night

You want Turmeric and Niacinamide Serum to be the balance to a resurfacing serum or glycolic treatment. If your skin can tolerate it, use them both for maximum results! Then layer your Turmeric and Niacinamide Serum over it. In the morning, you are just applying the Turmeric and Niacinamide Serum and the Tinted Daily Moisturizer. If you want to lean into anti-inflammatory care, add our new White Sage + Charcoal clarifying cleanser.

Beauty at the Cellular Level

Cellular breakdown is the cause of all signs of aging. Turmeric and Vitamin B3 Serum steps into the mix as a beneficial long-term serum which helps protect the cellular health of your skin. It is also a general protectant for your skin which takes on a lot of damage when unprotected. Since the normal aging process of skin cells or the accelerated aging process of a cell is significantly affected due to environmental conditions or even controllable factors like diet, you must do what you can to support skin health. Adding an extra layer of calming moisture to maintain hydration is an easy way to counteract some of these environmental factors.

Stay Calm and Carry On

For a lot of us, calming skin and reducing redness is a major concern. Our newest serum was made with the intention of being restorative and repairing. It offers the benefit of making skin feel softer. It also has been known to help with reducing redness from scarring. It can be used as an anti-blemish serum and a general anti-inflammatory serum. Some studies have also shown that our key ingredients can reduce facial hair growth in women.