Trick or Treat? Indulge in a Pumpkin Enzyme Mask for Brighter Skin

Trick or Treat? Indulge in a Pumpkin Enzyme Mask for Brighter Skin

When you think fall, what is the first thing that comes to mind? For us, it’s PUMPKIN! Whether heading to a pumpkin patch or simply indulging in your annual PSL, it’s time to celebrate all things pumpkin.

With the dry air and less humidity, the elements can zap your skin’s moisture and dull your natural glow. Luckily, we have the perfect solution to get your pumpkin fix in an easy act of self-care. Let’s hear it for Pumpkin Enzyme Mask!

Pumpkin Makes Everything Better

Pumpkin Enzyme Mask is an exfoliating enzyme mask packed with nutrients for brighter skin. Our pumpkin, glycolic and sugar cane mask works to help improve texture, tone and the appearance of pores and fine lines. We use amazing plant rich pumpkin enzymes, glycolic and sugar cane to gently exfoliate. These nutrient dense ingredients loosen the bonds of dead skin cells to gradually remove layers of dull skin revealing fresh, smoother, and glowing skin.

This mask is great for all skin types and has been packed with nutrients to nourish skin. With regular use, you’ll get visibly brighter and luminous skin. And, if you stay consistent, your skin will appear smoother, pores will look smaller, and sun and age spots will fade.

Sugar and Spice and All Things Nice

It takes a great recipe to make a prize-winning pie. Let take a closer look at some of the key ingredients that make the Pumpkin Enzyme Mask deserving of a blue ribbon? 

Pumpkin: Pumpkin contains vitamin A, C, and E, and antioxidants, which help maintain a youthful appearance. It also has fruit enzymes that help naturally exfoliate dead skin cells. Finally, it contains zinc and potassium to combat redness.

Organic Cane Sugar: Sugar is a natural source of glycolic acid, an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that penetrates and breaks down dead and flaky skin, encouraging cell turnover and generating fresher, younger-looking skin. Sugar is also a natural humectant, so it helps skin retain moisture and stay hydrated, making it ideal for sloughing away dead skin naturally without disrupting skin barrier function.

Glycolic Acid: Glycolic acid helps to separate the connections between dead skin cells and promotes exfoliation which speed up cell turnover to reveal bring fresher, younger cells to the surface.

These plus cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, and allspice make for a delicious moment of self-care.

Pumpkin Picking

It is so easy to add Pumpkin Enzyme Mask into your regular skincare routine. We suggest you apply a small amount to clean skin, once or twice a week. Be sure to avoid eye area. Go ahead and leave your sumptuous mask on for about 10 minutes. When you’re finished, rinse and pat dry.

Please remember that, when activated, this mask will probably tingle or feel warm on skin. That means that it is working.  

Complete the Meal

While we fully support having dessert for dinner, it’s best to complete the self-care meal when possible. Complete your skincare routine by starting with Prickly Pear Rejuvenating Cleanser before indulging in your Pumpkin Enzyme masking moment. Now that your pores are open ready to soak in moisture, apply a thin layer of Hyaluronic Acid Serum then protect your glow by finishing with a thicker cream, like Desert Aloe and Jojoba Cream.

PRO TIP: For a more intense exfoliating treatment once a month, layer the enzyme mask after Blueberry Scrub. To finish, nourish your skin with your favorite serum and rich moisturizer.

We hope you get out and make some amazing fall memories and can get back to your favorite fall traditions. Remember to make self-care part of the season’s celebration.